Wednesday, November 7, 2007

If this is collapsing, I'd like to know what collapsing is...

If you're interested in baseball or in weird articles, click the link below.

"....Ask any die-hard Sox fan. It is never easy. Get used to it, Boston."

Yeah, we die-hard Red Sox fans will try to get used to that 2007 World Series trophy.

And we will try to be understanding to mistaken sportswriters, because,

"It's understanding that makes it possible for people like us to tolerate a person like yourself." ~ Ferris in Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986).

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I understand if you don't use your real name for privacy reasons. However, I prefer that all writers consistently use a username instead of hiding behind an "Anonymous". I will approve most comments that use polite English, have a name to them, and don't forget to Let it Be. :-)
If you don't Let it Be, be warned that your comment may appear because "I think you should stand up for your incredible work." :-D
Also, if God changes my heart about something I said (which does happen) I will go back and change it. However, in most cases, "I meant what I said and I said what I meant... I stand by my work 100 percent."